About Us
Sierra Soccer Club, a member of the American River Youth Soccer League (ARYSL), is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Our club is operated by a strong team of community based volunteers who strive to provide an enriching, safe, and fun sporting experience for all children ages 4 to 18. We serve boys and girls in Carmichael, Fair Oaks, Citrus Heights, Sacramento, and surrounding areas. We provide education and instruction, without discrimination, in the sport of soccer through healthy, age-appropriate, competition. We offer two soccer programs with different levels of competition and experience. These programs allow us to accommodate all levels of play for all ages. For more details on the programs we offer, please click on their respective links below. Our programs are supported by sponsorships, affordable membership fees, and fundraising programs.
Competitive Soccer Program
Our Competitive Program (Comp) is an advanced soccer program. This program is for the more "experienced" player. Sierra Soccer believes that the mastery of the fundamentals of the game of soccer can still be accomplished through at a more competitive level without sacrificing sportsmanship. Players are selected to play on teams from various age groups available from U9 to U19. There are both boys teams and girls teams in each of the age groups. The selection process is a series of tryouts beginning in February at which players are drafted. In this program the teams play other competitive teams in the same class in and from other cities, tournaments, and Cup competitions nearly year round. This program requires dedicated players and families.
Recreational Soccer Program
Our Recreational Program (REC) is available for all boys and girls. There are no tryouts or prerequisites. If you register your child, we will get them on a team! We try to keep our teams age pure, so that players are playing against others of the same age and basic skill level, talent, and maturity. Recreational teams rarely participate in tournaments. Practices begin in August and the program consists of 10 league games beginning the second weekend in September. The costs are limited to registration fees and uniform costs.

Soccer Club

Micro Soccer Program
Sierra Soccer has adopted the small-sided games format called Micro Soccer. Micro Soccer is a fun coed environment. This format is designed for kids Under 6 (U6) to increase the number of “touches” each player has with the ball, while promoting “fun”. We realize that the U6 experience is most kids' first encounter with the game of soccer and should be introduced with a fun atmosphere. During game play the coaches are the refs, the fields are smaller, less players are on the field, and keeping score is discouraged. This is to ensure a non-competitive environment for the kids to learn to be apart of a team and have fun while being introduced to the basic skills of the game.
Registration for our recreational soccer programs begin in April each year. Parents and guardians can register their children electronically through our online registration at LeagueOne. Each year Sierra Soccer holds in-person registrations for those that are unable to utilize our online services. To find this year's registration information please visit our Registration page. Registration for our competitive teams is conducted as a team following player selections.